
Lower body exerciser helps slim, trim, and tone the legs, abs, and pelvic floor in just 60 seconds a day.

Created to work out legs, abs, and buttock muscles and with the flexible bar also includes your arms with the upper body. LegMaster® targets your inner thighs, outer thighs, buttock, hips, and core muscles to tighten and tone them. Use your own bodyweight to train muscles. Targets adductor and abductor muscles which are normally hard to isolate. Helps to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and strengthens weak muscles associated with incontinence. Unique lateral gliding rails. Firms and tones your lower body. Activates lower abdomen and pelvic floor. User time can be as little as 60 seconds.

Product FAQs


What is the maximum weight the Summers Leg Master Slim can hold?

Standing the maximum is 25 stones. Can be used SEATED if you are over 25 stones.


Does it store away easily?

Yes. The Summers Leg Master Slim can easily be made compact and would go under a bed or behind a door.


Is it okay for tricky knees/backs/hips?

Consult with your medical professional.


Can I use it if I have a knee injury?

Not recommended if you have had recent knee surgery. If you have any knee problems consult first with your Medical Professional.


Are there any special requirements to use this product safely?

It is essential to keep a l children and pets away from this unit when in use.


Will I get big muscled thighs like a 'body builder'?

No. Summers Leg Master Slim will tone, shape and strengthen. But there is not a constant progressive overload, which is necessary to build 'body building' type muscles. You will not get big bulky legs. The opposite will occur, your legs will tone and shape to their best natural outline.


What time of day is recommended for use of Summers Leg Master Slim?

It is purely whatever time is most convenient to you. Bear in mind it is regular daily use which produces the best results. Place your unit in your bedroom and use it before going to bed, or put it in your kitchen and hop on and off of it regularly for short bursts throughout the day.


Do I need to hold the handles?

Yes. You must hold onto the handles at al times. The handles are there to assist with balance. Do not lean your whole body weight on the handles. Your feet should take your fu l body weight and be placed centrally on the foot platforms.


My muscles ache after just 20 reps, is there something I am doing wrong?

No. This shows Summers Leg Master Slim is doing its job.


What height should the handles be at?

The handlebars should be set at a height to lightly rest your hands and to aid with your balance. Not too high that you have to lean backwards. And not too low that you have stoop forward (do not adjust height of handles whilst standing on platform).


Can I use the Summers Leg Master Slim without proper footwear?

We strongly recommend that while using Summers Leg Master Slim you wear proper foot attire at al times. It is better for your feet to always wear proper shoes when exercising. It is safer to wear protection for your feet when using exercise products with moving parts. Do NOT wear high heeled shoes when using this equipment.


I feel lightheaded or dizzy what should I do?

Stop using Summers Leg Master Slim immediately. Lie down and rest if possible and try again the following day.


Can I over do this exercise?

Your leg muscles probably will not have experienced this type of exercise for a long time. So it is prudent to start slowly and progressively build the time and number of leg sweeps. Your muscles will tire very easily at first and this is normal. If you feel excessive soreness of your muscles the following day - give yourself an extra days rest before resuming your program.


What kind of clothing do I need to wear?

Clothing of a loose fitting nature especially around the hips and upper thighs is necessary. Tight skirts will impede and restrict movement.

Customers feedback

  1. Ria43

    I was born with Scoliosis and have had problems with my back my whole life. After having 2 children I have had major problems with stability in my lower back, hips, abs and pelvic floor. It got so bad that I had constant pain in my hips and lower back. I saw this and thought that for £100 I had to give it a go.
    After using this for 2 weeks the constant pain was gone. After 6 weeks I had lost 3 inches off each thigh. I can usually only manage to do 20 reps at a time but i will do this 3-4 times a day. On good days I can get up to 30 reps. At first I used the hand bars but now I tend to only use them when getting on or off the foot platforms. This causes the muscles to work harder, I have found, for even faster results.
    I have mine permanently set up in the lounge and have found its easy enough to fold up and move when I need to vacuum. It is lovely and solid and it takes a bit of punishment in my home as my 2 children (7 & 9) use it to exercise and also as a play thing (my 7 year old will sit on one of the foot platforms and rock back and forth like he is on a swing, his cars go for rides or get launched from the platforms). My mother (65 years), also gets on it a few times a day when she visits, though she normally manages 15 reps at a time.
    I turned 44 a few weeks ago and I would hate to think what sort of state I would be in without the Leg Master in my life. I am now pain free, losing weight and inches off my stomach and thighs. I am gaining muscle-tone and the stability that I lost 10 years ago when I got pregnant with my first child. I am no longer relying on chiropractors and pain medication to get through the day.
    I would recommend this product to anyone and already have to my family and friends. It is well worth the money.

  2. Amanda50

    I have purchased other machines in the past, but this one WORKS. I purchased this machine because I was feeling unsteady on my feet and feeling that my legs and knees were not as strong as they had been. I am not old I am 51
    The first time I used it OMG I did one rep. that’s it, pathetic. I then, the next day managed to do five. I can now do 35, then I catch my breath and do 10. So proud. My legs feel so much stronger and I fell more stable on my feet, You really cant put a price on that. You notice the difference so quickly within weeks not months.
    This machine is fantastic. I do my work out in my kitchen while I am waiting for the kettle to boil, HOW GOOD IT THAT !.
    Because it is so quick you can easily stick to it. I have managed to loose weight doing nothing else different. GIVE IT A GO

  3. Sophie Purvis

    Absolutely love this, easy to use, doesn’t take up too much space. Can do in the comfort of my own home whilst watching TV.

  4. Joanne Pollard

    Just a minute a day, you’ll be amazed. I love the legmaster. I have been using it for only a minute a day and have seen results already. It really strengthens your pelvic floor and has made my legs so much stronger. For only a minute a day, it really is amazing. I strongly recommend getting one.

  5. Heather Alison

    Just ordered this, I’ve bought the ex-demo/used once for only £53.99. You can pay with PayPal.

  6. Mandy Griffiths-Bermingham

    Love mine. Only bought it last week, so early days 👍

  7. Samanta Kocs

    I have to say, the LegMaster® has truly transformed my fitness routine. I’ve been using it for just a short while, and the results are already remarkable. Not only has it strengthened my pelvic floor, but it has also provided a significant boost to my overall core strength. I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate this machine.

  8. Gloria

    LegMaster targets areas that no other machine can. You will definitely feel this working within seconds. I have tried many exercises to strengthen my Pelvic Floor and they work but are time consuming and bore me to tears. This little beauty does it all: core, butt, inner/outer legs and pelvic floor. I highly recommend.

  9. Christine

    After THREE DAYS girls, I no longer need those awful liners, nor do I carry them around just in case! And I used to wear them to bed as when I stood up in the morning I was sprinting to the bathroom. I am ecstatic about this product! I do 60 seconds after my morning coffee and the results are amazing!

  10. Karen

    I always knew my pelvic floor needed work, but I never realised how weak my pelvic floor was until I started using LegMaster®. I felt results almost instantly and noticed increased strength in my core. If you buy this machine for nothing else, get it for your pelvic floor.

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