
Lower body exerciser helps slim, trim, and tone the legs, abs, and pelvic floor in just 60 seconds a day.

Created to work out legs, abs, and buttock muscles and with the flexible bar also includes your arms with the upper body. LegMaster® targets your inner thighs, outer thighs, buttock, hips, and core muscles to tighten and tone them. Use your own bodyweight to train muscles. Targets adductor and abductor muscles which are normally hard to isolate. Helps to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and strengthens weak muscles associated with incontinence. Unique lateral gliding rails. Firms and tones your lower body. Activates lower abdomen and pelvic floor. User time can be as little as 60 seconds.

Product FAQs


What is the maximum weight the Summers Leg Master Slim can hold?

Standing the maximum is 25 stones. Can be used SEATED if you are over 25 stones.


Does it store away easily?

Yes. The Summers Leg Master Slim can easily be made compact and would go under a bed or behind a door.


Is it okay for tricky knees/backs/hips?

Consult with your medical professional.


Can I use it if I have a knee injury?

Not recommended if you have had recent knee surgery. If you have any knee problems consult first with your Medical Professional.


Are there any special requirements to use this product safely?

It is essential to keep a l children and pets away from this unit when in use.


Will I get big muscled thighs like a 'body builder'?

No. Summers Leg Master Slim will tone, shape and strengthen. But there is not a constant progressive overload, which is necessary to build 'body building' type muscles. You will not get big bulky legs. The opposite will occur, your legs will tone and shape to their best natural outline.


What time of day is recommended for use of Summers Leg Master Slim?

It is purely whatever time is most convenient to you. Bear in mind it is regular daily use which produces the best results. Place your unit in your bedroom and use it before going to bed, or put it in your kitchen and hop on and off of it regularly for short bursts throughout the day.


Do I need to hold the handles?

Yes. You must hold onto the handles at al times. The handles are there to assist with balance. Do not lean your whole body weight on the handles. Your feet should take your fu l body weight and be placed centrally on the foot platforms.


My muscles ache after just 20 reps, is there something I am doing wrong?

No. This shows Summers Leg Master Slim is doing its job.


What height should the handles be at?

The handlebars should be set at a height to lightly rest your hands and to aid with your balance. Not too high that you have to lean backwards. And not too low that you have stoop forward (do not adjust height of handles whilst standing on platform).


Can I use the Summers Leg Master Slim without proper footwear?

We strongly recommend that while using Summers Leg Master Slim you wear proper foot attire at al times. It is better for your feet to always wear proper shoes when exercising. It is safer to wear protection for your feet when using exercise products with moving parts. Do NOT wear high heeled shoes when using this equipment.


I feel lightheaded or dizzy what should I do?

Stop using Summers Leg Master Slim immediately. Lie down and rest if possible and try again the following day.


Can I over do this exercise?

Your leg muscles probably will not have experienced this type of exercise for a long time. So it is prudent to start slowly and progressively build the time and number of leg sweeps. Your muscles will tire very easily at first and this is normal. If you feel excessive soreness of your muscles the following day - give yourself an extra days rest before resuming your program.


What kind of clothing do I need to wear?

Clothing of a loose fitting nature especially around the hips and upper thighs is necessary. Tight skirts will impede and restrict movement.

Customers feedback

  1. Spenley

    This is a little gem!
    I will admit to being pretty cocky before this arrived, I walk a lot, have an active job and did the Camino Santiago last year, if walking 700km across Spain was no problem, I was sure I would blast out 100 on the Leg Master straight away. Pride goeth before a great fall.
    I struggled to do 20 on my first couple of days.
    I keep it in the lounge room, folded up and stashed in a corner behind an armchair, then when I get home from work simply pull it out and it’s ready to go. I jump on in ad breaks and before you know it, I’ve worked my way up from struggling to do 20 on the first day to now being able to do 60 at a time. Aiming to be able to do a full ad break by the end of the month.
    I can feel it working muscles I never knew I had and have had the muscle soreness one expects the day after a good workout, so I know it’s working.
    It may just be wishful thinking but I really do think my legs feel stronger already, I have a spring in my step and feel generally better and fitter. I make a point to squeeze the gluteals while on the Leg Master and in just one week I feel like my butt already looks a little better.
    Cannot recommend this wonderful device enough, it makes exercise just so convienient, no electrical plugs required, after initial assembly (which was easy and only took 10 mins) there is nothing else to do for set up, easy to store (light and compact) no need for exercise clothing, (I’ve used it in PJ’s and Uggs) and can produce results with minimal commitment. Seriously, just do it in the ad breaks when you’re relaxing in your lounge room in the evenings.

  2. MissJen

    I bought my legmaster on Fiona’s last visit, BEST BUY EVER, I have noticed big changes in my fitness & wellbeing, stacks of energy. I work @ the golden arches. LOL. I work with a lot of young teenagers, they have noticed the amount of new energy I have. My story is when I was younger, I had severe scoliosis, I was very fit, but I had my spine fused 85% of it, lost fitness, the legmaster has made me strong, energetic & fabulous (im a young 49yo). Ive ordered the upper body bar, & really looking forward to receiving it (& my 1st ab. LOL). Ive also have my mum (a young 75yo), who comes to my place for a coffee & is trying the legmaster for her restless legs.

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